Animation Graphics Glitter Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, MySpace

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai E-card Greeting

Send Gong Xi Fa Cai card for your friend and family at imlek day or lunar also chinese new year 2010.
To use Chinese New Year Card Greeting for comment on Friendster, Myspace, Hi5, etc, You just copy the HTML code below image and paste into your profile or page.

gong xi fa cai card
E-Card Greeting

Chinese New Year 2010
Happy Chinese New Year

Gong Xi Fa Choi, Gung Xi Fat Chai, Gong Si Fa Choy, Ghong Xi Fat Coy.

Animation Graphics Glitter Code

Friendster Layouts, Friendster Backgrounds, Freindster Glitter, Glitter Comments, Graphics Comments, MySpace Graphics, MySpace Comments, MySpace Layouts, MySpace Background, Hi5 Glitter, Hi5 Graphics, Hi5 Layouts, Hi5 Background, Hi5 Comments, Hi5 Profile, Orkut Layouts, Orkut Glitter, Orkut Graphics, Orkut Backgrounds, Orkut Comments, Xanga Graphics, Xanga Glitter, Xanga Comments, Tangged Glitter, Tangged Graphics, Tangged Comments, Livejurnal, Igoogle, Bebo, Facebook Glitter, Facebook Graphics, Facebook profile.